ALA_____.ZIP 23,174 01-08-96 Rendition of AllAmerican, a bold headlineface, reminiscent of Chicago in the 1920'sand 30's.
ARN_____.ZIP 27,373 01-08-96 Rendition of Arlington, a Deco-inspiredheadline face. Available in either Type 1or TrueType format.
AS______.ZIP 56,867 01-24-96 AstrologySymbols: Astrological font in asans-serif face, suspiciously like Phoenix,a thin, tall Deco style. Includes sign,planet, aspect, and 4 asteroid glyphs.Available in either Type 1 or TrueTypeformat.
FE______.ZIP 58,902 01-08-96 Felix, a tall, thin sans-serif face withstrong Deco inluences.
MAN_____.ZIP 43,576 01-08-96 Marseille, a serif face with Nouveauinluences, reminiscent of France in the1920's.
NPFNTS01.ZIP 88,471 01-14-96 14 New fonts for NeoSoft's NeoPaint.Freeware.
SA______.ZIP 28,252 01-08-96 Salute, a heavy, art-Deco-influenced,semi-serif, headline face.
SUS_____.ZIP 57,771 01-08-96 TrueType and Type One Typeface- TrueTypeand Adobe renditions of SunriseSunset, bestfor drop caps, with two different typefacesin one file. One is a round design, theother a square design with a sunray motif.